Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas rush to Christmas hush- Mary and pondering

All the events leading and during the time of Christ's birth were both exciting, troublesome, and horrific.  Heaven opened up and sent God's son. There were angels filling the sky and appearing personally to Joseph, Mary, and the Shepherds. There was an amazing star. There were three wise men bringing very expensive gifts to the Christ Child. There were a herd of shepherds who wanted to see. The stable was crowded and stinky and animals were all around. Some say the animals may have talked that night. The bothersome journey to Bethlehem was long and hard especially with a pregnant woman.A jealous King Herod murdered all babies two years and under to eliminate the threat of the King of Kings . All a part of God's plan of how things should be for the coming of a Savior.

Mary had her hush when she treasured up all of these things and pondered them in her heart. It says this twice in Luke. The first one is after the shepherded told people and they were in shear wonderment. Mary treasured these events up and pondered them in her heart. It doesn't say she went and told her best girlfriend. It says she pondered and treasured. The second time it says just about the very same phrase it is after Jesus, as a boy went into the temple to teach and his parents could not find Him. This part is not easily remembered, but Mary again, treasured up these things and pondered them in her heart.

As the earthly Mother of Jesus, perhaps she was writing things down after meditating on them. Perhaps gave Luke some hints as to how to record all of these things so that others even in 2012 might believe. She took time for the hush. The pause and the time of reflection on all that had happened and what it all meant for the world was important.

My real hush comes now the day after Christmas Day. I don't have to really get up and do something out of necessity. There is no deadline or schedule today. I did much forging and creating and just plain work over the past month all for Christmas. I enjoyed it but lost sleep. I have some few hushes and pauses here and there to help slow time down and try to get something new and meaningful out of THIS Christmas. But the activities and even sometimes the "fun" of Christmas diminishes the hush and makes time speed on until next Christmas where you start all over again. So my hush was delayed until now.

During my ponderment I realized, miracles happened this Christmas. Miracles consisting of new developments in my children that I thought would never happen.  The miracle of being in a neighborhood where kids all wanted to partake of a small celebration of the Christ child in the woods. Miracles of a realizing the Savior that was born was born to me. Miracles that this message IS slowly being passed on to my children. It IS sinking in.

During my ponderment, lessons were learned. I realize through the rush that I have no control over time. I can't stop it or even pause it . Yet, I can use my time better so that time is more meaningful making it possibly less rushed. I have taken more time to write and hope to do more. Simply because it helps slow time for me and deepens my pondering time.

I have pondered over and over again the need for a Savior. Come Lord Jesus come! Murdering, a straying away from our faith, a country crumbling, sickness, such a laundry list of sins in this world. Come Lord Jesus come!

So in these last days of this year, I strive for more hush. It seems to me that in these times of pause and meditation on Him that He whispers to us and works in us to move forward more carefully and in a pondering state.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa Claus at age Five

When I was five I was afraid of Santa Claus. The beard, the glasses and the big fat body were all real factors. But also who could really tell what he looked like covered in red velvet and white fluff? Santa had a low ho ho ho ho which did not sound jolly. If you asked me at five it sounded more like a barking dog which I was not too found of either.

On this particular Christmas, I was willing to forfeit all my wishes for a cinnamon doll, a purse, and an easy bake oven for nothing but safety from Santa. My request to my mother was to phone Santa and tell him not to come. I can still after 45 years visualize the yellow telephone attached to the wall with the boingy cord attached. She went to the phone and told him the problem. My brothers were so angry with me not even session of name calling would help.

Christmas Eve came and the most beautiful part about it was the Silent Night singing candlelit church. We got home and had some snacks and a night family gathering.  Grandma stayed over at our house and slept on the couch right by the fireplace. I was lying in bed thinking about the prospects of seeing Santa anyway. I could see the living room from my bedroom. I couldn't lay awake very long.

Waking up Christmas morning, I heard two thumps. It was my brothers coming down the hallway to check out the living room then they ran to my room, pounced on me, and said- He came! He came!

At age five, Santa came despite my wish for his absence.  He gave me some of the things I wished for. He came quietly and without me knowing. I had slept all the way through it. Grandma said, he was so quiet, even she didn't here him and she was sleeping right there in the living room.

Year after year, I tell that story to my classroom kids. I've not told it to my own yet. Year after year, I  find that kids can relate to this story. They want Santa to come to their house, but he is a little bit of a scary looking man. What Santa stands for is much stronger than a visit from a man in a suit, with a beard and sometimes glasses! He brings us joy . He is good. He thinks of others before himself. He comes to remind us to believe - have faith.

Too many years later, the lesson of Santa Claus has grown to a larger one. I know what it means to believe in something that you aren't sure about - you don't fully have all the facts. Believing means being satisfied even without the facts. Baby steps to Faith in the One that is Christmas.

And more than ever do we need to believe. So much even in this last year we have seen a real crumbling of our world. The older I get the more sin is abounding around me. I've lost that child like faith and need it back again to be fully satisfied in the Savior that we so desperately need. I am not sure why or how God came fully in a the form of a baby who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Why did He leave all the glories of heaven to come down to the stink of a stable. More and more I need to be satisfied in the One who is more than Santa Claus. He is our Savior. He came even though we may have feared it. He came and will come again even though we don't know when and can't understand how. He is more than the faith and goodness and mystery of Santa. He is our Lord and Savior.

I want Him to come. Come this Christmas in the joy of the life that morning. Come and let us adore You. Come and let us know the same wonder that those who witnessed it live. Come Lord Jesus and enter in again to this weary dark world. Come our Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

william tell Overature

The William Tell Overture is running through my mind daily. It is the theme song to the Lone Ranger. The music starts as soon as I hit the floor. Time races through the day and I am on the journey of here and there and everywhere. As  teacher and a parent of young kids - age five or under, my season of life at this time is about serving well the needs of kids and squeezing in some refreshment in life. While it races on, it is with the "If you give a mouse a cookie" flare. If I ask kids to help me fold laundry, they will want me to bury them in the clothes. It will remind them of taking a little rest. So they will bring all their books and snuggle up in the clean clothes. When they are rested, they will want a snack ... so they will ask for some crackers and milk. It will remind them of a gingerbread house... etc...

I am not a children's writer reviewer but I never did like those "If you give a mouse, moose, dog, cat, pig, etc books. " ( Though many are out there and author is making money on them right and left so I know nothing...) Those stories have events unfolding that never seemed related. Yet, I guess it reminds me that the unexpected does happen with kids and unrelated things happen because each child has their own ideas, make their own connections-- leading you sometimes on a crazy William Tell Overture paced goose chase. If I make pretzels with my kids, they will get flour on the floor. They will want to slip and slide in it. Slipping and sliding will remind them of ice skating in the winter. They will want to build a snowman - ( even though there is no snow) So you give them some cotton balls. ... etc...

I just celebrated 44 years of life. Not very old.. but still feeling like time has really flown. Time is so eaten up by so many things. I've been challenged to use each minute wisely. I don't want to miss out on quality of life because I've wasted time. I have a mile long list of things I want to do that take up time but there are so many things that take priority over those. Even those without kids face the same challenge. Are we all ADD or do we all have the William Tell Overture drive?

With two young kids and teaching young kids, I am finding out that the holidays beginning in October are running together. And yet there is time each month to celebrate each... thirty days - longer for Christmas. I don't want them to run together into confusion and a "what happened ?" state. So I am striving for ways to slow time down - with quality and not quantity. Reduce my agenda and pick what's most special and do it to the fullest- give it the depth and breadth- ( and this is even required of us teachers as we take on the common core) . Do the play scheme to the fullest and invent new things to do with the toys already in possession. Enjoy the wait when it is time to be patient. A real challenge- I need/want it now - is my son's favorite sentence.  But why and No that's not fair is my daughter's favorite. I am just as bad- But I want my husband home from work now! I want to wave my magic wand and have the dinner made, laundry put away, and have time for ....... something else.  Enjoy the wait- talk, pray, sing, do a quick game... It is time to brainstorm that one closely.

I am older each year as you are too. 20 years older than my hair dresser. 15 years older than a good neighbor. Old enough to say I lived years without cell phones, computers, ipads, microwaves, and color television. Time has flown and I sometimes wish it were yesterday.  That sounds too much like my grandma who lived to be 100 so I am not nearly that old. Time still flies. But in the meantime, if a different song could run through my head.. than it is a start at least.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Being Five

When I was almost five, I came to school crying because I thought my teacher would be the man with a heavy beard and glasses. This was rather a spooky look to me. Finally, it was found out that I was in the wrong class. My real teacher was a chubby smiley lady that changed my world forever.

Being a little younger than five, I asked several students how old they were and realized I was younger. My parents had chosen to send me forward though I had a late October birthday. I did have one other friend in my class whose birthday was the same day as mine and that made me feel a little better.

When I did turn five, we celebrated with some about six of my friends. We colored pumpkins - mine was rather scribbly and Suzie's was perfect. We put candles on my pancake. We had a big surprise of a hot air balloon. I was convinced that this was arranged just for me. This balloon looks all too familiar now as the D and W hot air balloon that also now frequently appears in the sky.

During the month I turned five, Mrs. Skilling my kindergarten teacher practically waved her magic wand and turned our room into Halloween. A witch and ghost were too life like. The lights were turned out. We sang songs. I cried. Mrs. Skilling let me sit with her on the piano bench.

When I was five we did the play Cinderella. I was a blue bird with my neighborhood friend and one of my best play mates Heidi. We both stood flapping our wings singing "Oh sing sweet nightingale" and I wiggled a little too much because... I needed to use the little girls room. I was one wet bluebird.

I remember being embarrassed that I could read the boys and girls signs above the entrances to the bathrooms. I believe it was Heidi who giggled but helped me out. I couldn't even figure out why the toilets were different.

When I was five, everyone had a dog at their house but us. They were so slobbery and jumped all over you. I got bit once by a real ferocious one. That ruined it forever for me.

Five was full of memories and also a lot of learning experiences. Despite the wet pants, crying, being slightly different from the rest, I have fond memories of being five.

Yesterday I greeted many of my  new Young Fivers of this coming new year. If there was a class like this way back in 1973 then this might have been an opportunity for me. I met the first half -some I had to pry off their moms. Some cried. Some were giving me five and smiling. I met the second half it was more of the same. Oh to be five.

Oh to be a parent of a five year old. My daughter turned five last week. She celebrated with a ballroom dance from Cinderella -who happens to live across the street. She had a lovely tea party with her fairy godmother- who happens to me a personal friend of mine. She had a pink princess cake. She danced with her new ballet slippers. She opened and closed her brand new music box so many times a day. She ran around trying to imitate her cousin's skill at catching frogs. She grew tired at about 4 pm. She cried and screamed at the sight or sound of a nearby dog. She at only plain pasta with cheese on it even though I made my really good tomato sauce. One week and counting on being five.

Several parents at the meet and greet at school yesterday questioned if this was the right decision for their child. Five is a tricky age. I considered my daughter and myself. I thought about Heidi my friend since kindergarten who was a little older than most classmates. She probably could have  gone on ahead. She did in fact. She is now a Vet. I went on ahead too - to be a teacher now in her third year out of 22 years of teaching as a young fives teacher. Ironic I think. I would dictate with certainty that the parents in question should follow suit with Young Fives. So many pluses- the gift to time, the chance to develop so many skills, build confidence, enjoy learning under less stress, etc. These are five year olds- handle them with care. In the meantime, they are celebrating and going about their business of being five.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Toys, Play schemes and the good old days of play

I don't consider myself that old. But some of the toys I played with are now considered antique and at one point our local museum was asking for some of them. Going down memory lane forty years ago, these toys pop into my mind:
Slinky - we really did try to see if it could walk down the stairs   Marbles- my brother knew the ins and outs of the game, I just enjoyed looking through the glass balls and sorting them by design     Card games - mostly we played war and occasionally tried to build the ultimate card house    Shoots and Ladders- the slide down the middle was so big in my mind   Candyland - I just thought this game was pretty but also desired to get the candy cards- the gingerbread one to be exact . Memory - we loved making matches and the pictures on the cards and often enjoyed getting certain picture matches.  Cinnamon doll- she had long hair if you pushed her belly button and short hair if you turned the knob on her back  - her hair smelled like cinnamon -    Dollhouse - oh that was endless in decorating and story making  Easy bake oven- I didn't actually own one but I sure do have fond memories of making cakes  Colored blocks- my brother who seemed to be a natural genius at everything made a house with a movie theater in it. . Matchbox cars- we used to use the outline of the living room rug design as a road . I had  pink shelf of animals and trinkets- I did drama and storytelling with them.

What made these toys and other play things "good" was that there were that while they were advertised with cool features, there were still many play schemes that could be developed with them. We didn't bore of the toys because there was only one thing you could do with them.  The slinky didn't just walk downstairs but it could be used as a telephone- you know the kind with the springy cord that attached to the wall, or it would serve as a great boing boing pony tail. They were simple enough to let your imagination flow. The play scheme  associated with them was not dictated to us through an advertisement.

 I learned recently that there is a website called They are non marketed toys unrelated to any movie, television show, advertisement,- basically no gimmick attached just some toys intended to stretch the play schema of the young child. A teacher sharing  knowledge of early Childhood presented these toys to a group of teachers. She shared that when playing with star wars, barbies, Bayblades, etc the play scheme is essentially limited and their imagination is shut down. So with these toys it opens up a whole new world of imagination for the child. But after I asked- "Do you find they easily play with them?" She responded with "It takes some time."

 A star wars weapon can only be used for having laser fights. A barbie can only be used to find and date Ken. Even Legos can only be used to create the designs provided. ABbay blade can only be used to spin. Some of these other toys I have seen in the show and tell part of my teaching day. They do nothing but accumulate or get lost. In addition, I for some I can't even pronounce their names. Some are so ugly and just plain stupid. The gimmick lures the child in and the pleasure of play lasts a time until the next gimmick comes along. So many times during a show and tell session in my classroom, I ask the kids what to they do with their toys. Sometimes the responses are absolutely nothing they just sit there. They are things just to have. Garage sale material for sure.

I am hoping that though these toys bombard the world of play that  even kids today will play and reflects on their play days as the "good old days" as well. I hope they do not bore of play too easily because there are too many things and not enough play schemes to invent along with them.  I hope that their play does not consist of "this is how" limiting the imagination to a shut down stage too early in the game so that the child becomes impatient for the next quick fix toy.

To bring the good old days of play back, buy the toys that fatten the brain - ( make it grow) and nurture the imagination. Toys are not limited to the store but things around the house too. Ever heard of Pinterest? There is enough there to keep my brain spinning until my death and many play ideas are not using a store bought toy.  Do the activities that are memorable, skill filled, and fun. Find the odds and ends around the house and model your imagination to your kids. Maybe even  bring out the slinky, easy bake oven, marbles, and jack n the box. They may be a foreign concept to some but there is truly some hidden fun in even those toys of yesterday.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cause and Cure of the Socially Snobby Syndrome - make right with play

My friends Heidi and Suzie had things that I didn't. Suzie had an easy bake oven that baked real cakes you could eat. One time when I was over, she gave showed me the new gift. I was so jealous. "So, what do you want to make oatmeal cake or brownies" she said holding out two mixes.We picked brownies. She read the instructions carefully. Suzie was very meticulous and organized. This was a new endeavor for me to bake on my own. But I knew with Suzie's help, it would turn out just right. We mixed it up and put it in the oven. There was a light that lit up the pan and we watched it bake. It didn't take long before we were eating real chocolate brownies. I felt so grown up.

Heidi, another good playmate, was interested in animals quite a bit. Either that or Little House on the Prairie. I had fun with both. One day we played Little House. Heidi was the horse pulling a red wagon. I was Pa heading to town. She pulled me around the house bumps and all several times and even made the perfect horse sounds. I felt like I was really out on the prairie.

Heidi and Suzie had things that I wanted but never got. Yet, I still have fond memories of playing with their toys. They shared. They instructed at times but didn't boss me around. They didn't have a lot of toys that prevented us from developing a play scheme. They invited me to play and had ideas.
I could either refuse or join in. I was almost always joining in. Heidi and Suzie were rarely Socially Snobby.  So was that just the "good old days" when play was at its perfection?
The socially snobby in the young play circles are those that have too many toys, are overwhelmed, and bored all too quickly. Their play schemes are limited.  They are focused on being first with little turn taking which prevents sharing. They may also have little social graces including a pleasant invitation to play, eye contact, and two way conversation.

When I wrote about both my daughter's play experiences and my own with the socially snobby, I neglected to mention that by no means was I nor is my daughter play perfect.  I had to be coached and continue to be through some trained teachers in the area of autism and through some helpful "bibles" such as Out of Sync Child and Julia Moore's book on play. With my daughter, she could fit the syndrome to a T as would any autistic child.  But the nonaustistic child is showing these characteristics as well and therefore is becoming more the social snob. My point in warning about the socially snobby is that it seems they will take over play unless we as educators, parents,  observers recognize the cause and cure of the syndrome. In addition, we need to be coaches along this early childhood way and world of play. That has been my motive in play with both of my children and the children I teach. In the name of good citizenship and healthy social skills not to mention many other play teaching skills for overall healthy development, I have sorted through this issue and continue to learn how to cure this epidemic.

 Too many toys are one cause for SSS. They overwhelm the child causing them to flit from one to the next without giving a good focus to one. The more they have the more they want something better. They have little play schemes to use for their toys. Parents are constantly buying new things for their kids making for a fantastic garage sale later. It is somehow been the mindset that many toys are needed for play and can take the place of time that parents play with their child. This too has led to the socially snobby child.

"My mom went on a trip to Las Vegas for two weeks and brought me this keychain that lights up, a Polly Pocket and pool, and a pair of sequence sunglasses" . This was in a nutshell what was shared during show and tell time in my class. Christmas time, birthdays, or just to get the kids to stop whining, are all reasons parents justify giving their parents one more cool toy.

 Julia Moore's book on play provides helpful solutions. Hide some toys. Put them away for a later time. Have fewer available so that opportunity for numerous play schemes can develop. If a new toy is acquired, another toy should be worn out and given away. Limit the number of toys so that they are appreciated by the development of various play schemes.  Trying out Moore's strategy has worked like magic for my children. After hiding a toolbox, for several months, my son has enjoyed fixing things with his dad, is learning names of tools, and is wanting to know what jobs he can do with his tools. Maybe one day he can pretend to build a house with them.

Play schemes can be limited when given too many toys. In the case of Florence who has everything from 50 dolls, 100 dress up outfits, thousands of storybooks,  kitchen sets, dollhouses, - you name it she has it.
Are they played with over the course of the week? I suspect not. Why? Because the thrill has worn off after one or two times. Her desire is to for something else not to develop a new fun play scheme with what she already has.
Awhile ago, I bought my daughter a dollhouse. It was a simple one but cute. It has a few pieces of furniture of family of dolls, an outside, and five rooms. Within this ONE dollhouse, there are endless play schemes. So far with one dollhouse, she has had the girls go to sleep, eat their breakfast, jump in the pool outside, clean up the house, and play hide and seek. The learning and the playing with the dollhouse alone can be used for years to come. As I observe my daughter play with her dollhouse and develop new play schemes, there is evidence of appreciation.

At this young age, being egocentric is of of a child's nature. 'Me first, It's my turn, I want that, forgetting to say please and thank you, all of these things are common. But when the child is allowed and taught to act so, it becomes validated. It spills into play. Play involves turn taking and cooperation. If a child is focused on when it is THEIR turn - they may find themselves alone at play. This is an evaluated benchmark on the early childhood report card. Does the child take turns? Does the child have patience to see what will happen when another contributes to the play scheme? Is a change going to upset them or can they cope with a change brought on upon the other?

Julia Moore suggests for the autistic child several activities that would create an awareness and an appreciation for others. These solutions help nurture the turn taking skills. She suggests that while the child is taking a turn, have them wear something or  hold something. In my daughter's class the name is announced- "It's Joe's turn" then a comment about the turn- "Good job Joe". Turn taking is essential in play for positive social interaction. I believe coaching in this area is always needed for any child.

There are many social graces that are involved in play. One invites a child to play with eye contact.: "Heidi, do you want to play horses with me?" The other receiver responds "Yes, I would like to play, that would be fun Heidi." During the play session there is conversation, "Let's make our horses race in the field" .... "Mine is tired and needs a drink" "What kind of horse do you like Heidi?"   ....."Well, I like Morgans they are so pretty." etc

My daughter is learning to do all of this. She is getting better and better. She is still learning as at times the initial invitation to play is weak. But some graces are strong and continue to be strong. I have concern when she greets a friend and invites them to play and the playmate gives a "deer in the lights" look. Parents need to rehearse this language and social cues with their children to instill confidence during the interaction. Role playing or using a couple of puppets to act it out. Children need to be instilled with the language of play which is not just a random conversation. There are meaningful words and non verbals which are helpful.

What is disturbing to me is when my daughter sees a friend makes eye contact and says "Hi". She may even invite them to join her in a certain activity. The response is often a cold stare and then a running away.
What should happen if kids are coached, is eye contact and a response- "No thanks not today see you later bye" with a wave. Or if the answer is "Okay sure." then the conversation involves turn taking, sharing of ideas, and problem solving. The non verbals involve eye contact, gestures, and proximity.

I do observe perfect play happening which is encouraging that the Social Snob Syndrome can be cured. Parents and teachers alike have a role in play. I have a lot of work to do and continue to enjoy the learning. Thanks for reading. To God, be the Glory.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Play- So much to learn and enjoy!  Play - trying to avoid the Socially Snobby Syndrome

I am frequently learning and observing a lot about play. Especially since my daughter- C has been receiving training in this area. I have appreciated so much the book Laugh, - play ideas for Children on the Autistic Spectrum by Julia Moore. I have also appreciated The Out of Sync Child has Fun.
They have been gold mines for fun and meaningful ideas for C and other children in my life. I will focus on this in another writing.

It has been eye opening reading these books to see how much is involved in play. It has also been eye opening to see how much the delayed child, particularily, my C, is not much different than the "normal" child in being needy for teaching to play well. In addition, with continued play and coaching, I see C exceeding the normal child in some ways. I see her attempting and mastering good play skills while other normal children show that they are more Socially Snobby than good playmates.

C has learned a systematic approach to play. It begins with an invitation- "Hey Susie" would you like to play with me please? or "Would you like to wear this pink dress for the tea party or  even a simple "Hi," ?' This is to be followed by a response. "I would like to thank you, or  I want to play school or "hi" back. C is excited to hear something that means yes and usually says "Come on, let's go. The next step is the developement of the play scheme.What is happening within the play idea? What is the sequence?There are decisions to be made and problems to be solved. There is turn taking and two way conversation. All of these things are life skills integrated into play. This is the way Clara has learned to play which is something that did not come natural to her.

Other children who supposedly learned to play naturally were trainded differently and essentially became socially snobby. I realized this when I was very young. Occassionally, I played with a girl who lived a few houses down from me. I put an emphasis on the word occassional. Basically,the girl, I will call her Beatrice, had a bad case of  SSS. Her golden house on the corner was emaculate. Even more so than mine and my mom kept a clean house. Beatrice's house didn't even look lived in. Neither did her room.   When we played upstairs in her room, I had to practically sanitize myself before entering. She had very crisp and lovely bedclothes. Her carpet was so neat and plush. The toys were all expensive. There were certain dolls that came from a ladeedah department store  and a tea set that was suitable enough to fool the queen.
"Wash your hands before you touch my dolls and my doll is this one" she 'd say pointing to the larger of the five.
"You can have this one." Basically the doll she chose for me was a ragdoll she didn't care about much. In short, it was a scene right out of Nellie Olson's bedroom.
Though my play time at Beatrice's house had some aspects of play. It was tainted because Beatrice was socially snobby. Our play time was controlled by Beatrice and there was no give and take.  There was no turn taking to validate another's thought on what they might contribute to the play scheme. There was forever problem of only be allowed to touch certain things. Two things to be exact. And those two things were very expensive and more for the Queen of England's grandchildren than for  us lowly commoners.

Just recently, now nearly forty years later, I found the socially snobby syndrome is alive and well.  I had an experience with my daughter and another child her age. Again, I will protect both children by using different names. The child my daughter played with I shall call Florence. Florence and my daughter were playing dress up at Florence's house. Florence had a lot of  dress up clothes. My daughter was thrilled and excited to see so many opportunities for pretending. C had the original idea of being a ballerina. As the girls dug looked through the piles of sparkle dresses and shoes, Florence found an outfit that was pink and looked like a ballerina outfit.
She also found a sparkley tierra. "That's mine," she said. "Don't touch it."  My daughter continued to look through the outfits to find something she might find though she thought the ballerina outfit was cool- she was told "NO". Florence sternly told my daughter several times not to touch the tiera while she was changing into her outfit. When Florence finished changing into ballerina, my daughter carefully picked up the ti era that Florence had claimed ONLY for her and said "Here's your ti era."   "Oh," I don't want that anymore." My daughter was taken aback. I was ready to scold but held back and made mental note.

Florence has symptoms of being socially snobby as well. Overwhelmed with so many toys and play pleasures around her, she is unable to limit her choices so that she can value them and develop certain interests. She shows an unwillingness to share and enjoy the unique contribution of another in a play scheme. She cared only for her agenda and would probably be better off alone playing. Coaching is needed in sharing and turn taking.

Another irratation during my exploration of play with C, is the initial invitation made to play. I hear "Would you like to play with me Betty?" from C. The response is sometimes yes, or no or wait I will ask. But more frequently C gets the "deer in the lights look". Even when a "hi" is called out, and it is most proper to say "hi" back, there is cold stares or ignorance.
To C, who is learning and growing in the world of play, she may soon feel like "What is the point? If I am going to invite someone and get nothing what will encourage me to keep trying? Has not the normal child been taught to respond and knowledge the words or actions an invitation to play?

Enough said this posting. More on the cause and cure of the Socially Snobby Syndrome later.
Thanks for reading. God be the glory.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Heidi and Suzie were friends of mine on Glenmoor Street in the neighborhood. Play was something we did well. We lined up books and played library with slips of paper, stamps, and ink pens. We dressed in bonnets and put cloths over our beach pails and pretended to be Laura Ingalls. We made forts in the bushes and had picnics. The list of opportunities for play was endless especially in the summer time. For me those were some of the good old days. Play happened all day long until your mom called you home because it was getting dark.

Back then, I had no idea how involved educationally play was. Now I am a parent and a teacher and that lesson has become a new one for me. After my daughter was diagnosed with autism, I not only became aware that play simply does not come natural for some, but it also is a very complex activity. I find the topic of play fascinating and mind boggling. The research that supports the power of play is overwhelmingly positive. Play in a nutshell is a child's work. It is the child's working on developing social skills, creativity, imagination, problem solving, and more. What is more purposeful than that? So many life skills all wrapped up in play.

Lately, I have felt like I have had to defend playtime in my classroom. In an age where play is a soccer game, a dance recital, or a swim meet, play has been washed of is pure free form fun. In an age where play is often running around reenacting Power Rangers, Star Wars, My Pretty Ponies, or Hello Kitty , play has lost its originality. In an age where play in some classrooms has been replaced with worksheets, reading groups, extra workpapers, and busywork, play has lost its value. There is certainly a pressure for academic activities and play is not one of them. In my classroom these days, we spend at least 40 minutes of play each day. That includes outside time and inside time. Play is also incorporated in our daily lessons. After play, I see every time that the kids are more focused on teacher directed activities.

Today, I am discouraged at how little kids are playing. All that is needed is a chance and maybe little bit of coaching. Yet, even in the delayed child like my daughter, there is hope! Some children, when given the chance, value their play time and are showing confidence in many skills just by playing.
Here is an example of something that happened with some young four and five years olds at my school this past early June.
Three or four children came over and said "Come to our restaurant."
Another teacher and I walked over to a wooden gazebo where they had picked several types of grasses, weeds, dandelions, and clover. They had sorted them out and took our orders. They told us how to make a "taco" out of woodchips and plants. What creativity! What cooperation!

My daughter had seen a story on DVD called the Pigs Wedding. It is a rather silly out of print story about some pigs named Curly Tail and Porker who get married. They invite pigs and paint clothes on themselves. A rainstorm comes and washed the clothes away. After picking Clara up from school one day, Clara suggested that we wash Porker. I hadn't a clue what she meant. But she later explained that I should draw Curly Tail and Porker on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. Then she would wash them off with drippy wet sponges. That is how she pretended to be in the story. She created a  very original play scheme demonstrating problem solving, invention, and sequence.

More on play later. In the meantime, consider the value of play. It's worth more to a child's development than many think.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thomas Whackerbee is a character I invented who is also a real TV bug. He sits like a zombie in front of the tube and even the smell of homemade cookies cannot bring him away from the television. I hope to publish or share this story to the "world" someday. But who knows.

I wrote it before having children and even before I married. As a teacher I would get so frustrated with kids who essentially buzzed and beeped television all day long- when they share something, when they wrote a story, or even drew a picture. It's 2012 and it is only getting worse. Our brains have been taken over by anything that beeps, lights up, makes music, shows a cool picture, etc.

My challenge is to NOT create TV bugs out of my children. And IF they are going to watch television I choose a DVD and there is no regular television. IF they are watching television I have appreciated in particular two programs on DVD. Max and Ruby and Little Bear.

Max and Ruby is based on the books by Rosemary Wells a British author. In fact, all of the episodes the stories in the books come to life. Max is lovable and Ruby is a girly girl. Rather bossy too I might add. But there is a great brother sister relationship established. Each program features slower and clear speech, pause, and delightful humor. Pictures are not too detailed, movement is not to fast and over stimulating, and the story is easy to follow.
My children have found various stories to be memorable and even helped them develop play schemes.

Little Bear based on the books, is also one that has been helpful to my kids. Many of the same reasons as mentioned for Max and Ruby are also true for Little Bear. Just like watching a Mr. Rogers episode, it is calming and innocent. It is also true to the stories.

IF my children are to watch television I will be choose and mindful of the time. And I will oversee the programs carefully. So far with no TV this is easily done. I hope in the near future when more gadgets are invented, I can continue this.

Thank you for reading. To God be the Glory.

Friday, July 6, 2012


It has taken me years to understand blogging. What would be a real purpose for blogging? I find so many reasons to write but for what audience? Myself and those close to me are one to read and find meaning in the words that I write. But if I write to post or publish will it be a self act. One that is purely to get the attention of someone else ? Or is it one where I think on "paper" and then find resolve to the thoughts that race around in my head. If shared, do people gain from it? If so what do they gain?

In addition, there is much to write about. Shall I focus on the early developing child? What about today's times and the losing of the good old days? What about my own daughter and how much I am learning through the raising of an autistic child or my son who is far beyond his age in thinking. What about God and how He threads through all of this. God is our mind maker. So, what glory will He get from my thinking and revealing through writing?

Out there are many words being spoken, written, sung, painted, and printed in some unique way. And those words have meaning and are interpreted once in print. The only words that are worth reading are those of God. My prayer is that all my words point to Him.

I have followed only a couple of blogs that are in the family. I see through their blog journey how they have matured in their faith, thought and worked through their life trial, or even made a decision after seeing a thought in print. In this very blog, I am working through writing to decide to blog and post a blog.  Thanks for reading. God be the glory.